A near indestructable armor over exoskeleton frame that gives speed and strength as well as ability to fly. As well as enough weaponry to take on tanks by him or herself.
We have known for awhile that the military has been investing in these technologies. Exoskeletons, jet packs, advance armor, etc.
Is it realistic? Maybe not?
Probably the cost, as well as technical nightmare to produce such a suit.
Personal body armor is a concept so integral to the human psyche that it's constantly manifested in fantasy and myth even when it's lacking in contemporary culture. Ironman is on such representation of the phenomena. KAI...
Aha....forget CDTRF....at least now. And give me a real ironmen sample xD
Ok here the one of the best shot as below;
This photo is really great...Mark Allen and Dave Scott going 'head to head' at the Hawai ironman. This was the most inspirational of images when to me when it come out on the front of the triathlon magazines. They look so fit/lean and were pushing themselves to the limit. They are purely REAL Ironmen.
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