26 Mart 2010 Cuma

Exercise Bike?

So you know you want to buy some type of home exercise equipment - but why buy an exercise bike?

One of the top benefits of exercise bikes is that they are probably the most affordable piece of exercise equipment on the market right now. Starting around $200 and ranging up to $2500, exercise bikes offer a huge variety of models for every price range and every exercise level.

It is however advisable to keep in mind that you will get what you pay for with an exercise bike. Don't expect a $200 exercise bike to come with all of the bells and whistles and last you over 3 years. However if you are on a budget, an exercise bike is a great way to get in shape for less.

Another great benefit of exercise bikes is that they provide a much lower impact on your joints and ligaments than other piece of exercise equipment like a treadmill or stair climber. This can result in less chance of sustained injury over time and can also be great for people with joint problems, arthritis, etc.

Another recent factor that has made the exercise bikes much more comfortable to use is the introduction of the recumbent exercise bike - where you sit in a semi-reclined bucket seat with your legs angled out in front of you instead of hanging down.

Until the recumbent bike came along, many people just weren't comfortable on the standard upright bike seat. The recumbent exercise bike allows people to get a much more comfortable workout - which means that they can exercise for longer periods of time.

Exercise bikes can also be much safer than other forms of exercise equipment. You can slip and fall on a treadmill. You can lose your balance on an elliptical trainer. It's much more difficult to fall off or injury yourself on an exercise bike. This makes the exercise bike a great alternative for the elderly exerciser or someone who is new to exercise equipment in general.

Another factor that makes the exercise bike so popular in home gyms is the fact that (with a recumbent bike) you can read while you're exercising. Boredom is one of the main reasons people don't exercise. So instead of forcing yourself to trudge through your workout, why not choose a piece of exercise equipment that's going to allow you to multitask and do what you want while working out?

Read your favorite magazine or the latest murder mystery novel. Set the exercise bike up in front of the television and watch your favorite show while pedalling. Time will fly by and you won't even know you've been blasting those calories!

This leads into what is perhaps the best benefit of an exercise bike. Because exercise bikes are so affordable, comfortable, low impact and safe - and because they allow you to fight boredom while exercising - the chances that you'll use it are extremely high.

No one wants to spend a lot of hard earned cash a piece of fancy exercise equipment and then use it for a clothes rack. You want to be able to stay fit, burn calories and keep healthy by working out. But if you buy a machine that you never use, all of your best intentions have gone to waste.

Because of the great benefits of exercise bikes, many people find that they not only use them for years to come but they also end up exercising much more than they thought they would.

2 Mart 2010 Salı

60+ Benefits (Advantages) of Bicycling

  1. On-going use of a bicycle has virtually NO carbon footprint.
  2. You will be a leader in your community.
  3. Bicycles increase mobility for those who don't have access to motor transport.
  4. Bikes increase mobility for those who don't qualify to drive a car.
  5. Bicycles increase mobility for those who can't afford motor transport.
  6. Bikes increase mobility for those who don't want to drive motor vehicles.
  7. Bicycling can be faster than walking, transit or motor vehicles.
  8. Bicycling is the most energy efficient form of transportation ever invented.
  9. You get healthy exercise from bicycling.
  10. Save travel money by biking. If the switch is from a car this includes purchase price, gas, tires, fluids, insurance, maintenance, washing, parking, etc.
  11. Reduce stress by bicycling.
  12. Biking is therapeutic for the mind and spirit -- is fun and can make you happy.
  13. Cycling is therapeutic for the cardio-vascular system, live healthier.
  14. Regular cycling provides better muscle tone, bone mass improvement, clearer skin
  15. Regular bicycling helps with personal weight management -- new full-time bicycle commuters can expect to lose an average 13 pounds their first year of bicycle commuting if they maintain the same eating habits.
  16. Bicycling is a great initial activity for people who are obese and help them on their way to a healthier life.
  17. Regular cycling can lead to lower health care expenses -- save money for a nicer vacation.
  18. Allows the rider to appreciate the more of the nuances of the natural and built environment around them.
  19. Your commute will be the best part of your day instead of the worst part of your day.
  20. The exercise increase your productivity at work
  21. Cycling improves your self-esteem.
  22. Primary school students will thing you are "cool" or "hip" or "neat" or "rad" or whatever the current term is. In time even older people might come to appreciate your leadership.
  23. Save on the membership to a health club, get your exercise bicycling to work, school, shopping, etc.
  24. Bicycling is nearly a life-long activity.
  25. Bicycling is a great full family and friends activity.
  26. Cycling is low impact on the body.
  27. Cycling is low impact on the environment
  28. Bicycling in your neighborhood is a great way to meet your neighbors and build community.
  29. Camaraderie of cyclists makes it a great way to meet a nice stranger with a similar interest.
  30. Bicyclist can ignore the highway traffic jam reports.
  31. Feel the satisfaction (liberation, freedom) of biking past a traffic jam in the bike lane.
  32. Predictable commute time.
  33. Easier parking.
  34. Cheaper parking.
  35. Leaving your car at home provide a parking space for someone less fortunate.
  36. If you are lazy, your bicycle provides door-to-door transport (you don't have to walk across a vast parking lot).
  37. Reduces the demand for new roads and paving the earth with asphalt and concrete.
  38. Reduces the demand for parking lots and paving the earth.
  39. Reduces energy consumption (see below).
  40. Reduces air pollution -- bicyclist emit few poisonous gases. A four mile bicycle trip keeps about 15 pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe.
  41. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  42. Reduces water pollution -- bikes don't drip brake fluid, anti-freeze, transmission fluid, toxic dust, etc.
  43. Reduces noise pollution -- even without a muffler bikes are quiet, creating a quieter community.
  44. Reduces road wear -- even if cyclist feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders.
  45. Reduces deforestation for planting of rubber plantations, because bicycles use very little rubber.
  46. Reduces crime -- a huge amount of crime is associated with access to motor vehicles.
  47. Reduces road kill and saves animals.
  48. Demonstrates a concern for the future -- walk (ride) your talk.
  49. Prevent and protest the sanctioned murder of innocent responsible citizens (homicide by motor-vehicle).
  50. Bikes small profile reduces congestion.
  51. Easy to vary your route by bicycle.
  52. Increased bike use generates bike facilities which increase property values.
  53. Bicycling gives you more fresh air than a sauna and you can still sweat and clean your pores
  54. Bike Commuting is a license to dress weird and still feel smug.
  55. Urban cycling keeps you humble.
  56. Bicycling can be enjoyed in a wide variety of topography.
  57. Cycling can be enjoyed in a wide variety of climates
  58. Bicycles are a great means to see the world.
  59. Bicycling is cool.
  60. Biking Is Fun.

best regards,

14 Şubat 2010 Pazar

Gizem Girismen of Turkey wins the gold medal of the Women's Individual Recurve - W1/W2 in Archery at the Olympic Green Archery Field .

We love you GIZEM....love you...

Best regards,

27 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba

101 greatest training tips

"Stop fighting it!"

That's what a fellow marathoner yelled at me years ago in the middle of a very windy out-and-back marathon.

"Don't fight the wind, man," he said. "Wait until the turnaround, then pick up the pace when the wind is at your back."

The sheer simplicity of that advice! Until he mentioned it, I was dug in. Wind be damned, I was going to keep my pace or die trying. Thanks to that veteran marathoner's advice, I did neither. I ended up running a great race.

I've remembered his tip in every windy race and run since. That's the thing about a great piece of advice: Like a trusted friend, it'll always be there when you need it. Here are 100 more memorable running tips, gleaned from experts past and present.

Starting Out

1. Accept the challenge
"Everyone is an athlete. But some of us are training, and some of us are not." —Dr. George Sheehan, runner/writer/philosopher

2. Shoot for this (at least)
"Running 8 to 15 miles per week significantly increases your aerobic capacity, and positively effects many of the coronary risk factors." —Dr. Kenneth Cooper, aerobics pioneer

3. Be a minuteman
"The biggest mistake that new runners make is that they tend to think in mile increments—1 mile, 2 miles, 3 miles. Beginning runners need to think in minutes, not miles." —Budd Coates, four-time U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials qualifier/coach

4. Wear good running shoes
"Spend at least $60. A good pair of running shoes should last you 400 to 500 miles and is one of the most critical purchases you will make." —John Hanc, author of The Essential Runner

5. Think big (and wide)
"Buy all shoes, both street and running, slightly longer and wider than your bigger foot. Also, avoid pointed shoes. You'll save yourself needless foot pain." —Ted Corbitt, ultrarunner and 1952 Olympic marathoner

6. Take the "talk test"
"The 'talk test' means running at a pace comfortable enough to converse with a training partner—but not so easy that you could hit the high notes in an Italian opera." —Runner's World editors

7. Listen to the rumbling
"If you feel like eating, eat. Let your body tell you what it wants." —Joan Samuelson, 1984 Olympic marathon champion

8. Relax to the max
"When running, let your jaw hang loose, don't bunch up your shoulders close to your ears, and occasionally shake out your hands and arms to stay relaxed." —Dave Martin, Ph.D., exercise physiologist

9. Don't crush the egg
"Don't clench your fists in a white-knuckle grip. Instead, run with a cupped hand, thumbs resting on the fingers, as if you were protecting an egg in each palm." —Runner's World editors

10. Make time for a quickie
"If 15 minutes is all the time I have, I still run. Fifteen minutes of running is better than not running at all." —Dr. Duncan Macdonald, former U.S. record holder at 5000 (set when he was in medical school)

11. Follow Road Rule Number One
"Running against traffic allows the runner to be in command. Anyone who is alert and agile should be able to stay alive." —Dr. George Sheehan

12. Try a "nooner"
"Noontime running provides a triple benefit: daylight, a break from the workday, and a chance to avoid eating a heavy lunch." —Joe Henderson, runner/writer

13. Warm up, then stretch
"Try some light jogging or walking before you stretch, or stretch after you run. Stretching 'cold' muscles can cause more harm than good." —Runner's World editors

14. Stay "liquid"
"Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate! In cold weather and warm. We use water to sweat, lubricate joints, tendons, and ligaments, and to carry blood efficiently to major organs. I work all day at hydrating." —Dr. Alex Ratelle, former masters running great

15. ...But be moderate
"Is beer good for runners? Sure...if it's the other guy drinking it." —Jim Fixx, author of the running bestseller, The Complete Book of Running

16. Listen up!
"You must listen to your body. Run through annoyance, but not through pain." —Dr. George Sheehan

17. Create your own running creed
"My whole teaching in one sentence is: "Run slowly, run daily, drink moderately, and don't eat like a pig." —Dr. Ernst van Aaken, renowned German coach

18. Come ready to play
"Fitness has to be fun. If it isn't, there will be no fitness. Play is the process. Fitness is merely the product." —Dr. George Sheehan

Basic Training

19. Take what you can get
"So-called 'junk miles'—those slow miles done on easy days or during warmups—do count. They burn calories as effectively as fast miles; it just takes longer. Regardless of pace, each mile you run burns about 100 calories." —Hal Higdon, runner/writer/coach

20. Learn from your mistakes
"You find out by trial and error what the optimum level of training is. If I found I was training too hard, I would drop back for a day or so. I didn't run for 5 days before the sub-4." —Sir Roger Bannister, first man to break 4 minutes for the mile in 1954

21. Dare to be different (but not dumb)
"In training, don't be afraid to be an oddball, eccentric, or extremist. Only by daring to go against tradition can new ways of training be learned. The trick is recognizing quickly when a new approach is counterproductive." —Benji Durden, 1980 U.S. Olympic marathoner

22. Reach for fast, low-fat fuel
"Energy bars are good portable food for runners. Look for bars with 4 grams of fat or fewer per 230 calories. Fat slows down digestion." —Liz Applegate, Ph.D., sports nutritionist

23. Go for the goal
"I believe in using races as motivators. It's hard to keep on an exercise program if you don't have a significant goal in sight." —Bob Greene, personal trainer of Oprah Winfrey

24. Think big...but carry a small eraser
"Brainstorm your training goals first, then write them down. Do this in pencil, so you can change some specifics when reality sets in." —Jeff Galloway, Olympic runner/author/coach

25. Show some horse sense
"During long, slow distance training, you should think of yourself as a thoroughbred disguised as a plow horse. No need to give yourself away by running fast." —Marty Liquori, running commentator and former world-class miler

26. Build with care
"If you put down a good solid foundation, you can then build one room after another and pretty soon you have a house. After your base mileage, add hills, pace work, speedwork, and finally race strategy." —Rod Dixon, New Zealand Olympian and 1983 New York City Marathon champ

27. Look at the big picture
"Whether one shall run on his heels or his toes is hardly worth discussing. The main thing in distance running is endurance—and how to get it." —Clarence DeMar, seven-time Boston Marathon champion and U.S. Olympic marathoner

28. Toss out the clutter
"Throw away your 10-function chronometer, heart-rate monitor with the computer printout, training log, high-tech underwear, pace charts, and laboratory-rat-tested-air-injected-gel-lined-mo-tion-control-top-of-the-line footwear. Run with your own imagination." —Lorraine Moller, 1992 Olympic marathon bronze medalist

29. Listen to your body (yes, again!)
"Your body is always trying to tell you where you are. Beware when you become tired and listless, when you lose interest in workouts and approach them as a chore rather than a pleasure." —Dr. George Sheehan

30. Go steady
"Day to day consistency is more important than big mileage. Then you're never shot the next day." —John Campbell, former masters running star from New Zealand

31. Find the right proportion
"If you run 30 miles a week, then about 7 of those—or approximately one-quarter—should be quality miles. Quality miles will boost your aerobic capacity." —Owen Anderson, Ph.D., running writer

32. Stay above bored
"A 40-minute run punctuated with a half-dozen 30-second pace pickups (not all-out sprints) can really jazz up an otherwise boring training run." —Amby Burfoot, Runner's World editor and 1968 Boston Marathon champ

33. Be a "cross-eater"
"Like cross-training, 'cross-eating' adds needed variety to your diet—and life. Expand your nutritional repertoire by trying one new food each week." —Liz Applegate, Ph.D.

34. Ease it back
"After a run, don't rush back into life. Take a few minutes to walk, stretch, relax, meditate." —Runner's World editors

35. Don't force the tissue
"Overly aggressive stretching can actually increase your injury risk." —Tim Noakes, M.D., author of Lore of Running

36. Think globally, act locally
"We wrote our workout schedules in 3-week blocks. My coach and I knew what my immediate goal was—what I was trying to accomplish in the next 3 weeks. But in the back of my mind was the ultimate goal: what I wanted to do months away." —Bob Kennedy, U.S. record holder for 5000 meters

37. Go with mind over grind
"Any idiot can train himself into the ground; the trick is doing the training that makes you gradually stronger." —Keith Brantly, U.S. Olympic marathoner

38. Have fun on your easy runs
"I make sure I have some really enjoyable training runs, remembering to 'smell the roses' along the way. That way I don't become caught up in the training-is-everything syndrome." —Sue Stricklin, top masters runner from the 1970s

39. Have fun on your hard runs
"Do tough workouts that you enjoy. Mile repeats and quarters are more fun for me than fartlek. ["Fartlek" is Swedish for variable-paced, up-tempo running.] I feel better about my running when I do the workouts I enjoy and that I know I benefit from." —Dan Cloeter, two-time Chicago Marathon winner

40. Stay open-minded
"When you try a new type of training, think like a beginner. Just because you can run 20 miles every Sunday doesn't mean you can survive 10 x 400 meters on the track at a fast pace." —Jack Daniels, Ph.D., exercise physiologist, coach, and former world-class pentathlete

41. Be a smart camel
"Before you do your long run, place containers of sports drink out on your course, even if you have to bury them." —Runner's World editors

42. Work on your growl
"The long run puts the tiger in the cat." —Bill Squires, marathon coach

43. Don't always watch the watch
"I don't wear a watch during my long runs. That way I'm not tempted to compare my time from week to week." —Lynn Jennings, three-time World Cross-Country champion

44. Rest assured
"Back off at the first sign of injury. Three to 5 days off is better than missing a month or two. Take regular rest days." —PattiSue Plumer, two-time U.S. Olympian

45. Divide and conquer
"Pick one thing each year that you need to improve, and work on that. It might be improving your diet, getting more sleep, or increasing your mileage. You can't work on everything at once." —Bob Kennedy

Hill Running

46. Join the resistance
"Hills are the only beneficial type of resistance training for a runner." —Arthur Lydiard, Olympic coach from New Zealand

47. "Chip" away at it
"Think chest/hips/push, or CHP, when it's time for uphill running. Chest up, hips forward, push strongly off each foot." —Jeff Galloway

48 Adapt—or weaken
"Running hills breaks up your rhythm and forces your muscles to adapt to new stresses. The result? You become stronger." —Eamonn Coghlan, Irish Olympian and only 40-year-old to break 4 minutes in the mile

49. Up the ante
"Move into a hill session gradually, running the first few repeats moderately and increasing the effort as you go along." —Frank Shorter, 1972 Olympic Marathon Champion

50. Avoid the downside
"The advantage of running hills on a treadmill is you can go up without pounding down the other side." —Ken Sparks, Ph.D.

51. Ramp it up
"If you live in the flatlands, you'll have to be creative about hill training. Deserted highway ramps or parking garages are possibilities, though they pose obvious safety problems. You may want to invest in a treadmill." —Bob Glover, runner/author/coach

52. Grab hold of the rope
"If you're laboring up a steep hill, imagine that a towrope is attached to the center of your chest, pulling you steadily toward the top." —Jeff Galloway

53. Lean into it
"When going down, I lean with the hill. I know I'm doing it right if I feel like I'm going to fall on my face." —Ed Eyestone, RW columnist, coach, and two-time U.S. Olympic marathoner

54. Save something for the summit...
"Don't attack a hill from the very bottom—it's bigger than you are!" —Harry Groves, renowned Penn State coach

55. ...Then take off!
"I've always found it effective in a race to make a move just before the crest of a hill. You get away just a little, and you're gone before they get over the top." —John Treacy, two-time World Cross-Country champion from Ireland Speed Training and Racing

56. Make the switch
"The difference between a jogger and a runner is a race-entry blank." —Dr. George Sheehan

57. Get up to speed
"Three half-mile repeats on the track at 5-K race pace with a short recovery jog in between shouldn't scare anyone away—and it will improve your speed." —Frank Shorter

58. Just "Q" it
"Quality counts, if you want to stay fast. Don't do all your workouts in the comfort zone." —Ken Sparks, Ph.D., top masters marathoner

59. Stay in control
"Run your own race at an even pace. Consider the course, the temperature, the weather, and most importantly, your current level of fitness." —Marty Liquori

60. Be flexible (or else)
"The idea that you can't lose contact with the leaders has cut more throats than it has saved." —Arthur Lydiard

61. Make a pass
"Passing competitors always gives you a lift. It probably has a physical effect, too, because you get a surge of adrenaline." —Libbie Hickman, world-class marathoner

62. Get over it
"If you have a bad workout or run a bad race, allow yourself exactly 1 hour to stew about it—then move on." —Steve Scott, coach and U.S. record holder in the mile

63. Be patient
"Expect to put in 6 to 10 successful track workouts before you begin to see some payoff in your races." —Marc Bloom, runner/writer/coach

64. Keep your finger on the pulse
"If your morning pulse rate is up 10 or more beats above your average, then you haven't recovered from the previous day's training. Take time off or back off until it returns to normal." —Dr. George Sheehan

65. Mix it up
"Fartlek training can help you build strength and endurance, learn race pace, and practice race tactics all in a single workout." —Bill Dellinger, former University of Oregon coach and 1964 Olympic 5000 bronze medal winner

66. Tie the knot
"I double-knot my shoe laces. It's a pain untying your shoes afterward—particularly if you get them wet—but so is stopping in the middle of a race to tie them." —Hal Higdon

67. Observe certain rituals
"Once you find a warmup routine that works, repeat it as habitually as possible."—Ted Corbitt

68. Warm up, don't wear down
"At most, jog easily for 15 minutes before a race. Then stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and lower back. With about 15 minutes to go, maybe do a few strides. But no more—you'll warm up plenty in the early going." —Mark Plaatjes, 1993 World Championships marathon winner

69. Wear the right pair
"Feather-light racing flats might help you run a faster 5-K, but lightweight performance trainers (with better protection and cushioning) are a better choice for most runners, especially in longer races." —Bob Wischnia and Paul Carrozza, Runner's World shoe experts

70. Finish it off
"To develop your kick, finish each repetition faster than you begin it. For example, if you're running 6 x 400 meters on the track, start off at a steady, controlled pace, then subtly shift gears in the last 100 or 200 meters." —Robert Vaughan, Ph.D., coach and exercise physiologist

71. Stay on pace
"It's better to run too slow at the start than too fast and get into oxygen debt, which is what 99.9 percent of runners do. You have to learn pace." —Bill Bowerman, renowned University of Oregon coach

72. Don't dodge the draft
"Slip in behind someone running a similar pace and, yes, draft. It's not illegal. It's not even poor form. On the contrary, it's just plain smart." —Priscilla Welch, former British Olympian and 1987 New York City Marathon champ

73. Snap out of it
"Occasionally pick up speed—for 2 minutes, tops—then settle back into your former pace. Sometimes this is all you need to snap out of a mental and physical funk. Pick a downhill stretch if you can, and really lengthen your stride." —Mark Plaatjes

Marathoning (Training & Racing)

74. Go minimalist
"Marathon training doesn't have to be a grind. By running for about 30 minutes two times a week, and by gradually increasing the length of a third weekly run—the long run—anyone can finish a marathon." —Jeff Galloway

75. Step back a bit
"Build up your mileage in gradual increments, but every third or fourth week, drop back in mileage to recover. This will help you avoid your breaking point." —Lee Fidler, coach and two-time U.S. Olympic Marathon qualifier

76. Don't push it...
"In marathon training, 3 hours slow is better than 2 hours fast." —Pete Gavuzzi, coach of four-time Boston Marathon champ Gerard Cote

77. ...And enough is enough
"Never run more than 3 hours straight in training, whether your marathon best is 2:42 or 4:24." —Ed Eyestone

78. Be vigilant
"During the hard training phase, never be afraid to take a day off. If your legs are feeling unduly stiff and sore, rest. If you're at all sluggish, rest. Whenever you're in doubt, rest." —Bruce Fordyce, nine-time Comrades Marathon champion from South Africa

79. Pamper your muscles
"When I'm training for a marathon, I soak in a hot tub every day, and get a weekly massage." —Anne Marie Lauck, two-time Olympian

80. Try winning combinations
"I include iron with vitamin C in my diet to prevent anemia. Without it, I wouldn't have the energy I need to train." —Joy Smith, 2:34 marathoner

81. Know when it's show time
"Just remember this: Nobody ever won the olive wreath with an impressive training diary." —Marty Liquori

82. Taper on time
"The key step between a great training program and a great race is a great taper. Your last long training run before a marathon should come 3 weeks before the race—not 2." —Pete Pfitzinger, two-time U.S. Olympic marathoner

83. Wait for the weights
"If you strength train, shelve your routine about a month before your marathon, to help you feel fresh on the big day." —Steve Spence, 1991 World Championships Marathon bronze medallist

84. Hone in on the range
"Rather than going into a marathon with just one goal—such as finishing in a very specific time—develop a range of goals so that you increase your chances of success." —Jerry Lynch, Ph.D., marathoner and author of The Total Runner

85. Don't be in a rush
"Thanks to the race-day adrenaline rush, any pace will feel easier than normal. So make a conscious effort to hold back in the early miles." —Lorraine Moller

86. Divide by three
"Divide the marathon into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart." —Mike Fanelli, runner and coach

87. Walk before you crawl
"When using the run-walk method to finish a marathon, the most important walk break comes in the first mile. The second most important one comes in the second mile, and so on. The point is, walk before you become fatigued." —Jeff Galloway

88. Be a little shady
"Squinting intently requires more energy than you can spare over 26.2 miles. So if it's sunny or you're allergic to dust or pollen, wear sunglasses." —Kim Jones, world-class masters marathoner

89. Save up
"To be effective over the last 6 miles of a marathon, one must harbor some sort of emotional as well as physical reserves." —Kenny Moore, writer and two-time U.S. Olympic marathoner

90. Forget about it!
"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming." —Frank Shorter Finish Lines (Miscellaneous)

91. Find a cheerleader
"The primary reason to have a coach is to have someone who says: 'Hey, you're looking good today!'" —Jack Daniels, Ph.D.

92. Be a copy cat
"Visualizing perfect running form will help you stay relaxed. Visualize before the race. Then, once you're in the race, pick out someone who's looking good and running relaxed. This will help you do the same." —Gayle Barron, 1978 Boston Marathon champion

93. Don't overthink it
"In running I go by the axiom that my coach Jumbo Elliott of Villanova used: KISS—Keep It Simple, Stupid." —Marty Liquori

94. Take baby steps
"You can't climb up to the second floor without a ladder. When you set your goal too high and don't fulfill it, your enthusiasm turns to bitterness. Try for a goal that's reasonable, and then gradually raise it." —Emil Zatopek, four-time Olympic gold medalist from Czechoslavakia

95. Muster your mental might
"Keep working on mental attitude. You have to fight that supposedly rational voice that says: 'I'm 50 years old, and I don't have to be doing this anymore.'" —Ken Sparks, Ph.D.

96. Train with someone...
"It may seem odd to hear a coach say this, but I think a really great training partner is more important than a coach." —Joan Nesbit, coach and world-class runner

97. ...Anyone...
"Never underestimate the value of a good training partner, even if it's your dog. Training allies will get you out the door on those days when exercise might otherwise be reduced to a finger on the remote control button." —Runner's World editors

98. ...But sometimes go solo
"The day after a hard workout, I always train alone. If you run with someone else, there can be a tendency to push harder than you should." —Mark Allen, former Ironman champion

99. Find a reason why
"We run to undo the damage we've done to body and spirit. We run to find some part of ourselves yet undiscovered." —John "The Penguin" Bingham

100. Feel the magic...
"For me, running is a lifestyle and an art. I'm far more interested in the magic of it than the mechanics." —Lorraine Moller

101....But do what you must do
"If one can stick to training throughout many long years, then willpower is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I'm tired? That's beside the point. It's simply that I have to." —Emil Zatopek


9 Ocak 2010 Cumartesi

Benefits of Spinning Exercises

Spinning is a Fun, Calorie Burning Workout

Some exercises are dreadful, others are addictive. I've found spinning addictive. Spinning offers a great cardiovascular workout and has been a key in my lifestyle change that has resulted in a loss of fifty pounds.

Spinning is a cardiovascular cycling workout on a stationary bike on which the tension can be increased, decreased, mileage and lapsed time is kept by a small computer, and calories burned and heart rate can be tracked by using an inexpensive additional heart monitor. Unlike stationary bikes of old, spinning developed as a class in which certified spinners taught routines ranging from strength and endurance training to calorie burners.

Some spinning classes today still have live trainers to encourage spinners and lead them through a heart-healthy workout. Other spinning programs follow video instruction.

When I consider the benefits of spinning on my health and lifestyle there are at least ten benefits to take up spinning as an exercise.

Cardiovascular Health

Spinning is primarily an anaerobic exercise, pulling energy from your reserves and building up your muscular endurance over an extended period of time. However, there are also aerobic benefits of Spinning. Planned Spinning programs include both endurance and cardiovascular training during the workout. At several points you may be required to break your steady pace and speed up to increase your heart rate.

Progress at Your Own Pace

Whether following a live instructor or video, the amount of resistance you apply, as you gain strength and endurance is up to you. Each spinning bike has a resistance control knob within easy reach of the handle bars. It works something like switching gears.

While instructors recommend an RPM, as you work toward increasing your RPM and maintaining a steady pace you can't fall behind the rest of the class. You don't feel out of place for not knowing an aerobic or step routine. No one really knows what level at which you are working, so you are free to progress at your own pace.

I was glad of that when I began spinning and ran the entire class with little to no resistance. I'm glad I can progress at my own pace now, because some days I want to add more resistance and work out harder

Low Impact

I have several friends who avoid the treadmill, elliptical, and stair stepper because of the traumatic impact on their knees or feet. Spinning keeps the pressure off of your knees and feet. You are able to work out hard on a Spinning
bike without hurting your knees and feet. It is also a good
workout for those who cannot use the treadmill or elliptical because of arthritis. I have friends who are able to join a Spinning workout who simply cannot stand the pain of high impact cardiovascular workouts.

Shapely Legs

It will not take long for your efforts on a spinning bike to show up as weight loss, but there is another great benefit to Spinning. Spinning uses large muscle groups in your legs. It does not take long before your thighs, hamstrings, and calves begin to take shape. Three spinning workouts a week will make a difference in the shapely appearance of your.

Lower Your Body's Workout Breaking Point

As you learn to work harder on the spinning bike you will begin to find that the breaking point, at which you begin to feel the workout, will become lower the harder you work. For me, the benefit is that once I reach a breaking point and work through it, I get the natural endorphin kick that most athletes enjoy.

The great thing about working your body into this kind of shape is that you feel better without the use of drugs. You feel better throughout the day following a workout and you have more energy. You are simply training your body to work more efficiently.

Ride Together

Regardless of your fitness level riding Spinning bikes keeps everyone together. This goes beyond sitting in the same spinning class, but each individual works equally as hard at their own level. It is amazing how you can feed off of the energy of other riders when you begin to fatigue and start thinking you might want to quit.

Riding together also gives you the opportunity to encourage others. You can inspire those who have not yet reached your level of fitness, while those stronger than you inspire you. Working together, everyone who spins can reach their goals.

Mental Strength

I've found Spinning does two things for me mentally. First, the warm up and cool down are great ways to relax. Before and after putting my body through a strenuous Spinning workout I can close my eyes, work just a little, and allow the physical exertion to become a catharsis for releasing pent-up emotions.

Spinning also builds mental strength. When you spin, there are good days and bad. The important thing is that you carry through with your regular Spinning routine. Push through difficult times. Push up hill climbs and push through endurance training.

Self discipline of the mind gained in spinning can be applied to all areas of life. I have found it most beneficial in areas of self-control and confidence. Spinning helps develop a positive, "can do" attitude.

Trainers recommend Spinning no more than three days a week. In addition to Spinning, strength training is recommended so that Spinning does not burn away muscle, but burns the fat you want to get rid of.

by Wendy Dawn

7 Ocak 2010 Perşembe

Squash - health benefits

Squash is an indoor racquet sport, played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. Squash is a fast-moving and high-impact sport that provides an excellent cardiovascular workout but can place strain on the joints, especially the knees.

Although you need a partner to play squash, many squash centres and clubs offer friendly tournaments and games where you can meet and compete with other squash players.

Suitable for all ages

Squash is a game that can be played at any age. It is easy to learn and there are modified games and equipment to suit every size and skill level. Squash can be played for leisure or as a competitive sport.

Health benefits
Squash is a strenuous sport, in which a player can use a lot more energy than most other sports. Squash helps to:

Improve cardiovascular health; a game of squash will see you running, leaping and diving for the ball
Increase strength and fitness
Maintain a healthy weight
Increase flexibility and strength in the back
Promote good coordination, agility and flexibility
Build hand–eye coordination.

Other benefits

Squash also has many other benefits including:
Improved general and psychological wellbeing
Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
Better social skills and an opportunity to make new friends
Improved concentration
Stress release
All weather activity – as it’s an indoor sport, weather conditions don’t prevent you from playing.
Getting started – equipment
Before you set out to play a game of squash, there are certain issues regarding equipment and where you play, that are important to consider:
Racquet – you can choose to either buy you own racket or hire one from a squash centre. Smaller (mini) racquets are available for children.
Ball – the type of ball you use is best determined by the level you play at. The colour of the dot on the ball indicates its speed and degree of bounce.
Clothing – squash requires a lot of movement, so light clothes like t-shirts, shorts and skirts are recommended.
Squash court – you can hire squash courts at a squash or fitness centre for around $15–25 an hour.

Avoiding injury

Squash is a high-impact and very strenuous sport. As it also involves a lot of energy, with frequent stopping and starting, it is important to follow these safety tips:
See your doctor for a check-up if you have a medical condition, are overweight, are over 40 years of age or haven’t exercised for a long time.
Don’t play if you have a heart condition.
Always wear protective eyewear.
Wear purpose-designed squash shoes or indoor court shoes to ensure appropriate grip on the floor and stability to protect your ankles.
Do warm-ups before you begin to play.
Ensure you have shoes with good ankle support.
Drink plenty of water before, during and after playing.
Do cool-down exercises after you finish your game.
Don’t push yourself too far or too fast, especially if you are a beginner.

Things to remember

Squash can be strenuous, so if you haven’t been active for a while and your fitness level is low, have a medical check-up before you start.
Start at a level that suits your fitness.
To prevent serious eye injuries (As CDTRF, I injured neck by rocket), all players should wear eye protection
Drink plenty of water before, during and after playing. (soda can be fine to for mineral loss - CDTRF)

24 Aralık 2009 Perşembe

Excerpts taken from "Cycling and Health" compendium and interviews with Prof. Froböse

BACK PAIN Back pain is often the direct result of lack of exercise. This leads to a reduction in nourishment for the inter-vertebral discs. The result is that the function of the discs changes with the discs no longer able to fulfil their allotted task of supporting therequired weight. However, there are three ways in which cycling can help overcome back problems. Firstly, through set physical exercise, the discs receive more nourishment which aids their development. Secondly, the large muscles in the back strengthen and develop through cycling. Lastly, cycling aids the stabilisation of the individual vertebrae relative to one another. This is achieved by strengthening the 'small' muscles responsible for supporting the individual vertebrae.

KNEE JOINTS A general cause of knee pain is often attributed to the breakdown of cartilage. Excessive stress placed on the joint, for example by jogging, or being over weight, restrict or deny the supply of nourishment to the cartilage. Consequently the cartilage is weakened and starts to break down.

The knee starts to hurt as it denied minerals essential to the cartilage. Since the cartilage has no blood vessels of its own, the transfer of minerals occurs through diffusion. Movement of the knee joint therefore encourages the nourishment of the cartilage. Cycling is one of the least stressful ways of exercising the knee joint and therefore is an excellent way of strengthening the cartilage.

HEART & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The heart is our only "motor" and for this reason we should take particular care of it. Stress symptoms and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) for example have a detrimental effect on the heart resulting in high blood pressure. To get through the narrowed blood-vessels the same amount of blood has to travel faster and with fully-closed arteries a heart attack may occur. Cycling can improve the blood circulation in a large number of ways. Most importantly the heart will be working more economically because the pumping performance becomes more efficient - it leads to a drop in the overall blood pressure thus reduces the risk of heart disease.

IMMUNE SYSTEM Infections are one of the prime causes of absenteeism from the work place. One frequent reason is an ineffective immune system leading to allergic reactions and an inability to fight common colds. Cycling improves the quality of the immune system by allowing the body to protect itself against viruses and warding off bacteria. Consequently cycling is the most advantageous method of exercise for strengthening the immune system.